ModernRacer.com is a FREE website dedicated to bringing you the latest news about the automotive industry. It is one of the few sites that combines information on various automobiles, along with technical and performance statistics with high resolution pictures all in one place.
We have received several complaints regarding multiple pop-up windows spawning from the homepage. Please be aware that on the homepage, you should be receiving ONE pop-under window and ONE small animated window that slides in from the left. Other pages may have only ONE pop-under window. Any other windows are caused by malicious code that has been making the rounds on the internet, modifying webpage coding illegally and sometimes changing a user's browser and homepage settings. We have been working to eliminate the problem and it should reduce PART, if not all, of your problems. It is also possible that you may have intentionally (or unintentionally) downloaded software that spawns pop-up windows of their own when you are online. Such programs are to be avoided if you value your surfing experience. Examples of these programs include Gator, GAIN, Radlight, Kazaa, Morpheus and Limewire. These programs modify your Windows registry settings making them hard to remove even if you wanted to. If you want to continue using the file-sharing utility Kazaa and Morpheus, be sure to NOT install its ad-popping GAIN component. Uninstall GAIN if you have already installed it. GAIN is a product of Gator, which is already being sued by large entities such as UPS and Washington Post for illegally popping windows over other sites.
Now why do we serve our own popping windows? The reason is we serve thousands of pages and high resolution images to visitors each day. The downside to this is that serving high resolution pictures costs money. That's why we are forced to serve banner and pop-under advertisements on this site, even though we know that it annoys most if not all visitors. We have even resisted the temptation to introduce more annoying pop-up advertising on this site, even though it would double our revenue. But the fact remains - the online advertising industry has been on a downslide since 1999, when all the dot-com crashes first started taking place due to the negligence and free-spending ways of dot-com millionaires with no business experience. As a result, the surviving sites have had to resort to new ways of funding their upkeeping, such as excessive advertising or changing to a paid subscription system. Also be aware that the daily funds received from advertising on this site is far below what a minimum-wage fast food worker makes. And most of our visitors have already shown a negative attitude towards paying for an ad-free site, as evidenced from our recent poll. So we would appreciate it if those who use pop-up and ad-blocking software to at least remove this site from their list of sites to be ad-blocked, and help keep ModernRacer.com a free website.
If you have any comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thanks for your time.
Mash H C
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