Lamborghini Gallardo police car crash

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Lamborghini Gallardo Polizia
Some time ago, Lamborghini donated a Gallardo patrol car to the Italian police. That same Polizia-liveried Lamborghini Gallardo was destroyed after the police officer driving the supercar crashed into two parked cars. The accident took place following an exhibition where Italian police had the car on display, apparently in an event promoting road safety.

Local newspaper reports have sourced an official police statement claiming that the officer driving the Lamborghini swerved to avoid a car exiting a gas station.

Both police officers in the car were injured, with the driver suffering a ruptured vertebra and broken ribs. The pair were taken to the hospital, and should recover.

Posted: December 4th, 2009
at 2:26pm by The Editor

Categories: Uncategorized

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  1. what italian paper was it in? what date?


    11 Nov 10 at 3:40 am



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