The 2007 Tokyo International Motor Show is the most imaginative auto show in te world. It is used only for a handful of car premieres, but it is known better for its wild concepts and unrealistic design ideas. Notable releases include the Honda Puyo, the Daihatsu Mud Master C, the Nissan NV200, the Nissan Round Box, the Mitsubishi i-Miev and the Toyota i-Real, among others. More realistic car concepts include the Honda CR-Z, the Volkswagen Up Space, the Subau Exiga, the Toyota FT-MV, the Nissan Intima and the Lexus LF-Xh, alongside many others. Cars which are closer to production include the BMW 1-Series tii Concept, the Nissan GT-R, the Honda Fit and the Audi Metroproject Concept...